четверг, 23 декабря 2021 г.

Вы получите купоны на 600,00 руб. за каждого друга, который зарегистрируется и сделает свой первый заказ.


 Пригласить друзей

Пригласите друзей в AliExpress! Они получат купоны на 600,00 руб., а вы — купоны на 600,00 руб. за их первые покупки

среда, 15 декабря 2021 г.

Как сбросить аппаратный модуль Bluetooth в Mac OS X для устранения серьезных проблем с Bluetooth


How to Reset the Bluetooth Hardware Module on Mac OS X to Troubleshoot Challenging Bluetooth Issues

Как сбросить аппаратный модуль Bluetooth в Mac OS X для устранения серьезных проблем с Bluetooth 

1. На рабочем столе Mac удерживайте клавиши Shift + Option и затем щелкните пункт меню Bluetooth, чтобы открыть скрытое меню отладки.
2. Выберите «Сбросить модуль Bluetooth» в списке меню «Отладка».
3. Сбросьте настройки модуля Bluetooth в Mac OS X
4. После завершения сброса перезагрузите Mac как обычно и выполните процесс подключения устройств Bluetooth к Mac, как обычно, теперь все должно работать нормально.

понедельник, 13 декабря 2021 г.

Инструкция по установке ExpressCache для SSD Caching

Мне подошло для Acer Aspire S3 возможно кому то будет полезно . 

Используем SSD маленький на 20Гб в виде SSD кеша для Windows 10. 

After purchasing a M5-481T as well as setting up a M5-581T, I wanted to be able to reproduce the factory SSD caching for these models. They both come with 20GB SSD's that are used for both Intel's Rapid Start technology as well as Diskeepers ExpressCache.


After quite a bit of research, I became underwhelemed with Acer's support and provided downloads. While setting up these laptops, I did create the Drivers and Applications DVD's before blowing away the default build. These did not contain the ExpressCache software, nor did the download website. I even called Acer asking for support and I was told that with these models, the SSD drives are not used for caching only for the Rapid Start. The technican I spoke with was adamant about this.


To make a long journey short, I was able to figure out how to replicate the default SSD caching in addition to the Rapid Start that comes on the default build of these devices. This should be handy for people that are trying to do clean installs for various reasons.


The key to this is to have the ExpressCache software from the default build. The software is licensed to the OEM system builders and without it the software doesn't work. Fortunately for us, if you have the files then your golden. This proves quite difficult when Acer doesn't provide the software to download.


Two key items are needed for the ExpressCache install. The software from a different Vendor, and the files from the default system build. I have provided them for you at the following links:


ExpressCache Install: http://depositfiles.com/files/l73q0rizh

ExpressCache Acer Files: http://depositfiles.com/files/68vvduipq


Hopefully if you have made it this far, you don't need a guide on how to install software. The idea is simple:

1.) Install the Software using the installer from the ExpressCache Install link above. Don't worry if you get a message that says that it couldn't detect the SSD Drive to use. We will fix this later. Don't reboot when prompted to do so.

2.) Use the files in the ExpressCache Acer Files download link above to overwrite the ones that were created during the installation in step 1. (copy everything in that download the the program files folder) The location is: C:\Program Files\Condusiv Technologies\ExpressCache\. Once this is done, you may restart the computer.

*3.) If you happen to have restarted before completing step 2 above, all you have to do is stop the ExpressCache service and then do step 2. Start the service back up when completed.


Now that the ExpressCache software is installed, we need to make a decision. Do you want to use Intel Rapid Start? If you don't care about Rapid Start, the process is much easier. If you do, then go down to the Rapid Start with ExpressCache Instructions.


ExpressCache Only:


1.) Open an elevated command prompt and type diskpart.

2.) type "list disk" (note the drive number of the SSD).

3.) type "select disk n" (n= the drive number found above)

4.) type "clean"

5.) type "exit"

6.) Now that you are back to the normal command prompt, lets navigate to the ExpressCache directory. Do this by typing "cd C:\Program Files\Condusiv Technologies\ExpressCache\"

7.) type "ECCmd -partition" (this tells ExpressCache to use the whole SSD drive)

8.) Your DONE! to confirm that it is working, you can type "ECCmd -info" and ensure that it starts showing you some caching statistics.


Intel Rapid Start with ExpressCache:


1.) Open an elevated command prompt and type diskpart.

2.) type "list disk" (note the drive number of the SSD).

3.) type "select disk n" (n= the drive number found above)

4.) type "clean"

5.) type "create partition primary size=NNNN" (NNNN= the amount of memory you have in your system. So if you have 6GB's of RAM, replace NNNN with 6000)

6.) type "detail disk" (Note the volume number of the partition that you created in step 5)

7.) type "select Volume M" (Replace M with the volume number from the previous step)

8.) type "set id=84 override"

9.) type "exit"

10.) The above steps created a hibernation partition on the SSD drive approximately equal to your RAM. Before you can Install Rapid Start, you will need to reboot the computer or else it will not install. You can do this now or after you setup ExpressCache.

11.) Installation of Intel Rapid Start is straight forward. Just download it from the Intel web site and install it. You can also refer to the Rapid Start User guide for the above steps as well as how to configure Rapid Start:


Intel Rapid Start (as of 3/21/13): http://downloadcenter.intel.com/confirm.aspx?httpDown=http://downloadmirror.intel.com/21612/eng/Rapid_Start_Win7_2.1.0.1002.exe&lang=eng&Dwnldid=21612&DownloadType=%0a%09%09%09%09%09%09%09Drivers%0a%09%09%09%09%09%09&OSFullname=Windows+8%2c+64-bit*

Intel Rapid Start User guide: http://download.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/rapid_start_technology_user_guide.pdf


12.) Now we will setup ExpressCache. Its a little trickier now that we are using Rapid Start.

13.) Figure out how much free space you have on the SSD now that the Hibernation partition is created. You need the value in MB. So for example, if you created a hibernation partition of 6000, and the total drive size is 20480, then you have 14480MB left. You can get this information easily in Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) by right clicking the SSD drive and selecting Properties. Then go to the Volumes tab. Remember this value for later.

14.) If your elevated command prompt is not still open, open it now.

15.) Navigate to the ExpressCache directory. Do this by typing "cd C:\Program Files\Condusiv Technologies\ExpressCache\"

16.) type "ECCmd -partition X YYYYY" (X is the drive ID and YYYYY is the partition size you wish to create for ExpressCache. In other words, replace X with the drive ID from step 2 and YYYYY with the free space from step 13)

17.) Your DONE! To confirm that it is working, you can type "ECCmd -info" and ensure that it starts showing you some caching statistics.



This procedure took me quite some time to figure out and to also get written up. Hopefully you guys find this useful and can benefit from my work. Please also let me know if you run into any issues.



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суббота, 11 декабря 2021 г.

Бесплатно получить безлимитный Яндекс Диск для пользователей Ростелеком

 Выберите, как именно вы хотите увеличить объем вашего Диска:

Чтобы бесплатно получить безлимитный Диск, нужно подключить тариф «Облачный».

Если вы еще не подключены к Ростелекому, откройте страницу безлимитных интернет-тарифов Ростелекома и выберите тариф «Облачный».

Если вы уже подключены к Ростелекому, смените тариф в личном кабинете:

  1. В блоке Домашний Интернет нажмите кнопку Управлять услугой.
  2. В блоке с вашим тарифом нажмите Сменить тарифный план.

После подключения или смены тарифа активируйте опцию Яндекс.Диска:

  1. В блоке Домашний Интернет нажмите кнопку Управлять услугой.
  2. Найдите на странице блок Антивирусы — Родительский контроль — Офис 365 — Облачное хранилище Яндекс.Диск.
  3. Перейдите на вкладку Облачное хранилище Яндекс.Диск.
  4. Подключите профиль Яндекс.Диска.
  5. Выберите опцию «Яндекс.Диск UNLIM».
  6. Нажмите Подключить справа от выбранной опции.
Примечание. Время активации может занимать до 24 часов. Статус заявки вы можете отслеживать в личном кабинете.